Environmental Statement


Lamya Construction Limited recognises the need for sustainable development and continually aims to improve the environmental effect of its activities, to achieve this we will: – 

Establish sound environmental management by: – 

    Meeting or improving upon relevant legislative, regulatory and environmental codes of practice

    Developing objectives that target environmental improvements and monitor performance by regular review

    Considering any environmental issues in the decisionmaking process

    Developing a relationship with suppliers and contractors so that we all recognise our environmental responsibilities

    Educating staff so that they carry out their activities in an environmentally responsible manner

    Provide for the effective use of resources by: – 

    Promoting waste minimisation by recycling or finding other uses for by- products whenever economically viable

    Promoting the efficient use of resources, energy and fuel throughout the organisation’s operations

    Cooperate with

    The communities in which we operate

    The Government, regulatory bodies and other interested parties with the shared vision of being a good and trusted neighbour

    Environmental Policy

    Lamya Construction Limited recognizes the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all environmental regulations, legislation and approved codes of practice relating to its stated scope of supply. It is the Organization’s objective to operate with, and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies.

    We are committed to-

    • Minimizing the production of waste arising from our activities.
    • Minimizing energy use.
    • Minimizing water consumption.
    • Reducing the need for vehicle movements.
    • Taking appropriate steps to protect and enhance biodiversity.
    • Incorporating all environmental considerations into design and promoting energy efficiency.
    • Promoting the use of recyclable and renewable materials.
    • Reducing and/or limiting the production of pollutants to water, land, and air.
    • Controlling of noise emissions from our operations and from the operations of all on site operatives.
    • Minimizing the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the Organization.
    • Encouraging suppliers, designers, and contractors to behave in a responsible manner and to adopt environmental policies and management systems that are satisfactory to us.

    In association with WRAP (Waste and Resource Action Programme).

    • We commit to playing our part in halving the amount of construction, demolition, and excavation waste going to landfill by 2013. We will work to adopt and implement standards for best practice in reducing waste, increasing the rate or recycling, and increasing the use of recycled and recovered materials.

    It is declared policy of the Organization to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance through implementation of the following:-

    • Assessment and regular re-assessment of the environmental effects of the Organization’s activities.
    • Assessment and regular re-assessment of the Organization’s environmental objectives and targets.
    • Training of all employees and management in environmental issues.

    We will benchmark our environmental performance against the Environmental Performance Indicators produced by Constructing Excellence. We will monitor and review our progress at regular intervals to ensure continual improvement and to demonstrate our commitment to environmental performance.

    This policy is communicated to all employees, temporary staff, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to the public and customers upon request.

    Contact Us

    Lamya Construction Limited, 89 Markhouse Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 8DH

    020 8521 5046
